The 2018 transmediale Marshall McLuhan Projects are presented by transmediale in cooperation with the Embassy of Canada in Berlin. They comprise the transmediale Marshall McLuhan Lecture by Megan Boler and the partner project Feedback #2: Marshall McLuhan and the Arts. War and Peace in the Global Village, curated by Baruch Gottlieb with Marie-José Sondeijker.
30.01.2018, 18:30 at the Embassy of Canada, Berlin
The 10th anniversary edition of the transmediale Marshall McLuhan lecture will be delivered by Megan Boler, a professor in the department of Social Justice Education at the University of Ontario. As a highly interdisciplinary scholar, Boler has focused on the social implications of technology, including the relations between media, democracy, and education. In her McLuhan lecture, Truth as Event: The Affective Politics of Belief, she will talk about her latest research into how we entered the so-called “post-truth” era, in which “emotions matter more than facts in determining belief.” Boler asks how we arrived here and considers how media and spectatorship—particularly on social media—factor into constituting and producing the emotions that underlie belief and, in turn, constitute “truth.” What is the role of the artist, intellectual, and activist in this challenging political era? The talk provides an overview of the affective politics shaping our contemporary experience and concludes with the question as to how art and satire may function as public pedagogies to provide reality checks on the surreality of our times. The lecture is followed by a conversation with Faisal Devji, a historian whose work has dealt with ethics and violence in a globalized world.
In English; free admission upon pre-registration. Please register here. Doors open 18:00. Please present a valid photo-ID at the door and allow sufficient time for Embassy security.
The Marshall McLuhan Salon Exhibition Explorations in Anonymous History by Canadian artist David Clark will be opened after the lecture, at 20:00.
27.01.–24.02.2018, various venues
The transmediale partner project Feedback #2 Marshall McLuhan and the Arts. War and Peace in the Global Village, curated by Baruch Gottlieb with Marie-José Sondeijker, elaborates on the most basic of cybernetic principles, that of instrumental feedback. Here, artists reflect on how the experience of our technological context shapes the way we perceive and understand our world: a feedback loop between observation, memory, and imagination. The project features group exhibitions at EIGEN+ART Lab and Humboldt University as well as the interactive video installation Explorations in Anonymous History by David Clark at the Marshall McLuhan Salon of the Embassy of Canada. The exhibitions are complemented by an event program, which runs from 27 January to 24 February 2018.
Find more information here.
Feedback #2: Marshall McLuhan & the Arts at EIGEN + ART Lab
With works by (Stephanie Ballantine, Lena Chen & Esben Holk), Peter Blegvad, Christof Migone, Mogens Jakobsen, Ioana Vreme Moser & Marshall McLuhan
Opening: 27.01.2018, 17:00
at Humboldt University of Berlin
Performative video discussion series
12.02.2018, 15:30
Exhibition: 01.–23.02.2018
With works by DISNOVATION, Stephanie Syjuco & Angela Washko
Feedback: Marshall McLuhan & the Arts is a recursive exhibition project created in collaboration with the Embassy of Canada and co-produced by West den Haag.