Molecular Informatics - Morphogenic Substance Via Eye Tracking

Molecular Informatics - Morphogenic Substance Via Eye Tracking

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Molecular Informatics - Morphogenic Substance Via Eye Tracking by Seiko Mikami. Scan from the transmediale.02 program booklet.

Molecular Informatics is based on the assumption that the human body consists of abstract information, which may be illustrated visually as well as an interface function, existing totally independent of personal subjectivity, perceiving and influencing the environment. The work explores the mental space arising between object and viewer, using the eye and the ear as inter-media linking both entities. If the human component is missing, the entire system ceases to exist. In Molecular Informatics the eye is the interface, its move­ ments are recorded, translated into data and visualised by an animated graphic display. The trajectory of the gaze is visualised by the projection as a chain of molecules and finds its audio counterpart in a sequence of sounds. Two visitors, sitting facing each other may trace the flow of their own gaze, as well as tracking the gaze of the other. While it is possible to steer eye movements up to a certain degree, it is impossible to fix one’s gaze permanently: as soon as this happens, uncontrollable pupil-movement automatically sets in. A permanent vacillation between control and loss of control takes place. The visitor experiences this uncon­ trollability of the affective eye-reaction as a sign of indepen­ dence of their body from their will. “Looking” is the occasion and the motive of “seeing”, and the traces of the gaze are not only visible, but also audible. Distances, overlappings and collisions of gazes are expressed as sounds. In this way the experience of the reflective gaze in this installation becomes intertwined with the gaze of the other.


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