Multimedia 1: Zukunft - Film - Multimedia

Multimedia 1: Zukunft - Film - Multimedia

10.02.1995 16:00

Multimedia will change the world just as printing once did. Even though this can be taken for granted, the topic is also the hype of the Nineties. Insiders talk about data highways, a future with 500 TV channels, teleshop­ ping, video-on-demand, etc.; a Hamburg-based magazine has the latest news on the net every week, and in Great Britain, more CD-ROMs than hardcover edi­tions were sold in 1993 already. What really is to it? What perspectives can really be traced in view of the digitaliza­ tion of communication, art and film? Should we be afraid of the flood of data or should we welcome its diversity? The VideoFest offers short lec­tures, panel and audience dis­cussions with the following ex­perts (in order of appearance): Zbigniew Rybczynksi Media artist director of the Cen­ trum fur neue Bildgesfalfung in Berlin The Mathematical Revolution of images Paul Bielicky Managing director of VTTV Media Innovation in Berlin Peter Krieg Director of the Europäisches Filmzentrum Babelsberg The Renewal of Images: The Digi­ tal Master Claudius Lazzeroni Art director of Pixelpark Berlin Multimedia and Film


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