Multimedia 6: Internet

Multimedia 6: Internet

12.02.1995 12:00

Hardware. The Internet is both simple and complicated and everybody can take part by just paying a low fee and using a simple computer. Estimation shows that worldwide more than 35 million computers are involved in the net. Steffen Meschkat Art+Com Ber­lin, shows its construction as well as the convergence of telecom­munication and the use of computers and explains which Hardware is needed for the connection with the net.

Software. For the use of the net one must distinguish between two kinds of Software: such as for participation in terms of using and such for the creative and interactive shaping of net-supplies. Sofware is mostly Freeware which is available by net free of charge and which is in accord with the ethic of the Internet not to be commercial. Steffen Meschkat gives a summary.

Artware. This subject outlines works of computer generated art. Four artists will present three CD- ROM-projects via large projection, they will defend form and content and will explain the navigation courses. Siegfried Zielinski, media scientist, will have a critical look at these works which will be put at the audiences disposal during the exhibition.


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