Cèst Bien la Société

Cèst Bien la Société

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With bare shoulders and wearing a peroxide wig, Valérie Pavia stands in front of the camera and describes a random selection of experiences in a laconic monotone. In her monologue Pavia talks about Ibis Hotels, Spinoza, bearded men, Switzerland, BHV department stores and so on. Holding forth in this seemingly spontaneous way, she lays down certain rules, based on her observations of daily life, the incidental and the absurd. For instance - men with beards smell of peanuts, TV salesmen are difficult to get hold of between the hours of twelve and two, and more than three nights spent at an Ibis Hotel make you aggressive. The absurd script hovers somewhere in the region between reality, fiction and autobiography, so creating something non-actual and overblown, a kind of counterworld. The impression of an overdone self-portrait is further enhanced by Pavia’s neo-Expressionist, even Pop-like way of handling visual and audio materials. Overexposed photographs and a snazzy selection of colours for the picture frames lend further support to her ironic strategy of subversion by overstatement. Her sometimes intimate stories, assumed naivety and coquetry of manner (supported by typical feminine attributes, like red shoes with high heels) add to the finely tuned irony of the work.


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